
Senator Anning Calls to Have Receivers Included in the Banking Royal Commission

June 28, 2018

Today in the Senate, outspoken KAP Senator Fraser Anning moved a motion calling for the inclusion into the Royal Commission of; receivers, administrators and insolvency professionals who engage in unethical and unconscionable behavior when dealing with our rural communities.

Senator Anning sought support from his colleagues in an attempt to ensure all aspects of the horrendous lending behavior were addressed.

“I’m bitterly disappointed that the motion I moved calling on wider powers for the commission, greater funding and more time for discovery was defeated.”

“The strength of our system in the past has rested on the pillars of strict prudential supervision, world’s best practice and on the trust consumers have knowing they will be treated fairly,” Senator Anning said.

“Unfortunately, the reality would appear that integrity, transparency and treating your customers with dignity has come second to the rich pickings of farmers assets, ripe for the taking”

“To date the Royal Commission has received 6800 submissions; a key issue that has come up time and time again is the behaviour of receivers, administrators and insolvency professionals”

“The intent of the Royal commission is to address unconscionable conduct within the financial sector, in particular its horrendous rural lending practices,”

“If we do not include receivers, administrators and insolvency professionals we are not meeting the core intent of the Royal Commission.” Senator Anning said.

“More than anything else it is the activities of receivers, administrators and insolvency professionals that have led to the wave of rural suicides linked to banking malpractice.”

I will keep fighting to ensure that this appalling situation is exposed and those responsible are brought to account.” Senator Anning declared.