
President’s Message

November 9, 2018

We received very welcome news last week with the Prime Minister agreeing to Bob Katter’s proposal of a $180m commitment for the Hughenden Irrigation Project, $54m for Hell’s Gates stage 1 - Big Rocks Weir and market gardens in Indigenous communities.

Bob Katter said “For the first time North Queensland is moving forward after 30 years of nothing happening we are finally moving forwards.”

Bob, has worked tirelessly for decades to see water security for North Queensland and was ecstatic at the announcement.

He said:
“Here it is! The document saying the money to start the engineering work on hells gate, which is a project worth 20, 000 jobs to North Queensland’s economy, it will supply Townsville with the most adequate and cheapest water supply of any city in Australia and it will produce almost all of North Queensland’s electricity and 70% of Australia’s petrol needs with zero emissions.”

“The people to thank for this are the people that have worked tirelessly and could see the dream and see the vision and never gave up, never became cynical, never relaxed, just kept the pressure on and the fight up.”

Water security for North Queensland is now a reality, the Prime Minister has shown national leadership and we thank him for that. This demonstrated the influence that regional Australia can have when not divided by partisan politics, but unites behind their own political voice.

 The Party is now about to launch several candidates across regional Queensland. For us to replicate our success across Queensland, we will rely upon donations from our supporters. With your generosity, we can achieve similar infrastructure achievements in your electorate.

 We would like to thank all of our supporters and members and assure you that this is just the start to getting Australia back on track. The Katter’s Australian Party will continue to fight for Regional Australia and keep up the good fight!

 Shane Paulger
KAP President