
The week that was

January 25, 2019

See what our Members of Parliament, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy - Bob Katter, KAP State Leader and Member for Traeger - Robbie Katter, Member for Hill - Shane Knuth and Member for Hinchinbrook - Nick Dametto did this week. 

Katter's Australian Party 

Facebook: @KattersAusParty

Twitter:  @KAPteam

Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy 

Facebook: @bobkatterMP

Twitter: @RealBobKatter

Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger 

Facebook: @RobkatterMP

Twitter: @RobKatter3

  • This week has been an exciting one for the St Joseph’s Catholic School in Mount Isa as they have received an allocation of up to $5,756,117.00 under the State Government’s Capital Assistance Scheme to construct:

-          12 general learning areas and “break out” spaces

-          Library

-          Learning support

-          Student toilets

-          Lunch area

-          Two prep learning areas and store

-          Staff toilets

-          Associated walkways

  • Robbie had a tour with the principal to look over the plans for the upgrades and wished them congratulations.
  • He had a quick trip down to Pittsworth to attend the Inland Rail Group meeting where Bob was also in attendance and nicked over to Cloncurry to meet with a few constituents.
  • Next week will see Robbie going to Hughenden for an Irrigation Project Meeting and then on to Townsville for the KAP Strategic Planning Day.  Didn’t take long to get back into the swing of things! Full steam ahead….  Hey, have you see our ad? What a ripper!

Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill 

Facebook: @ShaneKnuthMP

Twitter: @ShaneKnuthMP

Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook 

Facebook: @KAPHinchinbrook

Twitter: @DamettoMP