
Message from the President

March 1, 2019

Everyday Australians are sick and tired of our broken political system, yet why is change so hard? Last year, Labor and Liberal parties worked together to crush the growing influence of minor parties in Australia.

By changing the funding laws, the major parties have caused KAP to face a financial crisis. Therefore, I am making no apology for this rare appeal for donations.

Having delivered $240m in building new dams and irrigation schemes, we can secure far more if our influence continues to grow at the expense of the major parties.

However, the potential of breaking the Liberal/Labor duopoly depends upon donations:

  • For $50 we will buy 4 campaign t-shirts for volunteers
  • For $100 we will erect 13 signs on nearby streets
  • For $250 we will letterbox 4,700 houses in your electorate

Your donation will allow us to kneeKAP the politicians and keep those bastards honest. To donate please click HERE 

Thank you for your donation, you have just now joined the fight for Australia.


Shane Paulger
KAP President