
Cancelling Christianity in schools will trigger resistance – Katter

June 17, 2022

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter, says the Federal Government is meandering down a dangerous path after announcing a policy today which will see the removal of Christianity[1] in schools.

He said that the foundation of the country, the Commonwealth Parliament, and even the Labor Party was based on Christian values and that the school’s Chaplaincy program desperately needed to remain in schools.

“The Christians already feel embattled. The anti-Christ mob are hellbent on destroying Christianity in Australia and they succeeded with the most prominent spokesperson for the evangelicals, Israel Folau, who bore the brunt of their campaign,” he said.

“The Christians have no allusions that they are under attack and to see the Labor movement, which was effectively founded by a heavyweight Catholics’ movement, to be turning viciously on their own in passing a non-Christian regime upon Australia is shameful.”

Mr Katter was critical of replacing the program with a trained welfare officer.

“If you think they are successful in providing psychological counselling, I strongly urge you to look at the juvenile crime rates in Australia and the juvenile suicide rates in Australia.  I also doubt there is a single family in Australia that hasn’t been touched by drugs,” he said.

“You’ve made a society so bankrupt of spiritual and nationalist values, or even personal ambitions, that our young people are on a downward spiral. A bloke called Jesus Christ said, “it’s either God or mammon (money)”. And that’s a pretty fair call here.

“The only country on earth that does not have a national religion is China. It has a communist movement a continuous history of anti-religion. Their only religion, as in North Korea, is the cult of their leader. And that hasn’t worked out real well, take a look at the 48 million murdered under Mao Tse Tung.

“So, the new Government have established themselves in the space of four weeks as an extremist government.

“To be chanting for intermittent alternative energy at the same time as when the lights are going out in Brisbane and blackout warnings in Sydney – that is very extreme. And to pick a fight with the Christians, which are the majority of Australians, is extraordinary.

“In two weeks, they’ve managed to terrorise the people of Queensland; on the same day that the power outages are occurring, they are advocating a push into more intermittent power.

“And I’ll be seeking talks with the CFMEU in Queensland, because on the same day that a so-called Labor Government was saying “let’s have more intermittent power”, one of the oldest and biggest coal mines in Australia at Muswellbrook announced its closure.

“So, I don’t know who is doing their public relations, but it is disastrous.

“And now they are picking a fight with the Christians in Australia. Jesus may have said to turn the other cheek, but as history tells us, the people who persecuted Christians didn’t fair too well.”


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20220617 Cancelling Christianity in schools will trigger resistance - Katter