
Revenue Raising Bonanza

December 8, 2022

Queensland residents are $185 million out of pocket this Christmas thanks to revenue raising tactics enforced by the Palaszczuk Government through the introduction of mobile phone and seatbelt detection cameras, Katter’s Australian Party Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto has said.


Recent statistics show that 119,862 drivers were caught using their phones, while 52,542 drivers or front seat passengers were either not wearing a seatbelt or were wearing the seatbelt incorrectly.[1]


Mr Dametto said the increased penalties introduced by the State Government earlier this year were only ever designed to target and penalise a specific cohort of drivers.


“My view hasn’t changed from when the harsher penalties were introduced earlier in the year and these latest figures prove my point. The State Government has deliberately targeted hard-working Queenslanders and penalised them for the Government’s financial benefit.


“Never mind that here in North Queensland we are in the midst of a crime crisis where we are forced to constantly be on the lookout for out-of-control stolen cars or locking our doors the minute we get behind the wheel for fear of being car-jacked.


“Make no mistake, I don’t take issue with the offences. Distracted drivers are dangerous drivers, and we all know that correctly worn seatbelts can save lives. I certainly do not condone drivers who do the wrong thing.


“What I do take issue with, is the Government deliberately and heavily penalising average Queenslanders who more than likely are on their way to work when they do the wrong thing, whether intentionally or not, yet the Government seem to turn a blind eye to recidivist car thieves who terrorise our streets, put people’s lives in danger and in some cases kill innocent people.


“Statistics such as this show just how out of touch the Palaszczuk Government is, especially with North Queenslanders.”


Money raised through the Camera Detection Offence Program is set to be reinvested into road safety initiatives and education programs.


“I can think of plenty of ways that money could be better spent in order to increase road safety. The first would be to build a relocation sentencing facility aimed at keeping recidivist youth offenders out of stolen cars and off our streets,” he said.

[1] Both offences attract a fine of $1,078.

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20221208 - Revenue Raising Bonanza