
New Hospital at Charters Towers in KAP’s Sights: Robbie Katter

April 7, 2023

Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter is ramping up pressure for the Palaszczuk Labor Government to deliver a new hospital to Charters Towers.

Mr Katter stated that the current hospital in Charters Towers was over 100 years old and the region desperately needed a modern facility.

He said additions to the current hospital, such as dialysis services and a promised CT scanner, had brought services to a more acceptable standard but only in the interim.

“There are many things we go without living in North Queensland, but good, modern healthcare should not be one of those things,” Mr Katter said.

“The Government is spending $2.7 billion to add a few new seats to the Gabba Stadium in Brisbane – clearly, money is not an issue.

“For a fraction of that cost, Charters Towers could be delivered a new hospital with the same state-of-the-art facilities you see in every region in the South East corner.

“The Townsville University Hospital is struggling, having declared numerous code yellows in recent times that the hospital is effectively busting at the seams.

“I am aware that a new and improved Charters Towers Hospital will not fix this issue entirely but would certainly relieve some of the pressure.

“We have been lucky enough to recently secure dialysis in Charters Towers and have been promised a CT scanner.

“I know the community has genuinely welcomed these improvements, but they are not the end goal – we need a new facility that retains our current bed numbers and also provides birthing and maternity services as well as general improvement in access to modern medical care.”

Mr Katter said his desire for a new hospital in the region also stemmed from the fact that Charters Towers was a hub for many of the smaller surrounding towns, which in turn go without adequate access to healthcare as well.

“Sending patients from not just Charters Towers but surrounds through to Townsville for everything that is unable to be solved in their hospital is occupying their beds, their staff and their resources, in addition to the staff and resources utilised to get them there in many cases.

“Charters Towers is a town of size and supports a large area of North and North West Queensland and it is time that it is rightfully delivered a hospital that can cater to the needs of the region.”

Mr Katter will write to Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath seeking to meet with her to discuss Charters Towers’ as well as Traeger’s health infrastructure needs.