
The sham we knew it would be: Katter

April 11, 2024

When the Government approached me to chair the Supermarket inquiry, it only took a minute to realise it was doomed for failure, Katter’s Australian Party Leader, and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter said.

“The Committee was only recently established, yet submissions are already about to close!” Mr Katter said.

“At the time of the announcement I slammed the inquiry as being a tokenistic media stunt that would do nothing to help farmers or consumers.

“I hate being right about these things, but I’m not far wrong!

“This Committee has been silently working in the shadows, hoping to not bring attention to itself.  Farm viability and consumer cost of living is too important to sweep under the carpet,” The member for Traeger said.

Public submissions close this Friday, 12 April, with only three hearings scheduled – all in Brisbane.

“The Committee need to hear from producers and consumers across the state about the impact that the greedy supermarkets are having on our farmers and everyday Queenslanders,” Mr Katter said.

The member for Traeger’s comments came shortly after similar disappointment was expressed by KAP Federal Member for Kennedy yesterday at the federal Labor government’s attempt at looking like doing something on the issue.

“I nearly died of shock when I heard findings of this inquiry were the same as every other – including penalties as useless as a wet lettuce leaf over the knuckles,” Bob Katter said.

Robbie Katter expressed his pessimism that the Queensland inquiry will be anything more than a sham.

“I have really low expectations for this inquiry, and have done from the outset,” Mr Katter said.

“The KAP are steadfast in our calls for strong action against the duopoly that is Coles and Woolworths.

“Brisbane and Canberra’s major parties might think that sham inquiries and reports that go nowhere are all that’s needed, but we don’t!