
Blinkered Brisbane bureaucracy needs a dose of reality – move ‘em to North Queensland!

May 17, 2024

The bureaucracy that makes the decisions for every aspect of North Queensland should be based in North Queensland – not 2,000km away in a concrete jungle.

How on earth can a water department manage our plentiful water supply in North Queensland if they only have a view out of their high-rise window of the polluted and ordinarily sedate Brisbane River?

I was only driving the approach to the Burdekin River crossing on the Flinders Highway the other day, and I was reflecting on the flood markers; meters and meters above the road level – as high as some Brisbane buildings – so high you can barely read the top marker!

You tell me - how is a university educated bureaucrat, who has only every had wokie environmental alarmism rammed down their throat, ever meant to have an appreciation of the amazing untapped resource we have in North Queensland?  They can’t!

Our water, agriculture, fisheries, mining, and environment departments must all immediately pack their bags and head north – where the real rubber hits the road.

Perhaps then we wouldn’t see farmers vilified for growing our world-class food and fibre.

Perhaps we wouldn’t see the guts ripped right out of Gulf and reef communities as commercial fishing is banned for no scientific reason whatsoever.

Perhaps then we could develop our once great state and build dams and industry.

Perhaps then First Australians would finally be able to be permitted to obtain gainful employment - rather than being systematically discriminated against with Blue Card criteria.

Perhaps North Queensland would actually stand a chance!

KAP policies are from North Queensland, and for North Queensland.

I grew up here and have lived in North Queensland for most of my life.

Our B.S. meter is pretty sensitive – and accurate!

When the Brisbane headquarters of Labor and the LNP are planning their next assault, it is purely to progress their Brisbane-centric world view.

KAP is the only party based outside of Brisbane, proudly headquartered in North Queensland.

My home of North West Queensland is worth over one billion – or one thousand million – dollars to governments each year.  This from a humble population twenty-six thousand people!

We deserve our share, and it’s the Brisbane and Canberra controlled parties that are dividing up the spoils of North Queensland for their own.

I am calling time on the disregard and North Queensland being taken for granted.

No more talk about Olympics, emissions targets, or uncalled-for tunnels in Brisbane.

These elitists in the South East corner have no bloody idea what it’s really like in the real world!

I was told years ago that you can’t fix what you don’t know, so what hope do we have in North Queensland 2000 kilometres away from the so-called fixers?

Robbie Katter is the leader of Katter’s Australian Party and the State Member for Traeger.