
Bridges, food, houses more important than treaty:  Katter

May 2, 2024

I don’t care what the Brisbane do-gooders think – I’ll take bridges, access to fairly priced groceries, and up to scratch house any day of the week over any so-called ‘treaty’, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

“A treaty is simply a word-smithed smokescreen for the Brisbane parties to hide their inaction behind,” the member for Traeger said.

“The KAP is in, boots and all behind pushes to flood-proof Gulf Communities, ending extortionist pricing of groceries, and providing housing that is fit for habitation – this would be real action, not weasel words that help the woke brigade sleep at night.

The KAP supported a motion from the member for Mirani calling on the Labor government to cease plans to spend $300 million on a Treaty process.

“You, Brisbane parties, can keep your tokenistic lip service to our First Australians.

“It seems that every time someone speaks against treaty, there are cries of outrage from the public, and surprisingly it seems to be louder in Brisbane.

“Communities like Doomadgee deserve better from their government and this Parliament,” the member for Traeger said.

Of the ten most disadvantaged communities in Australia, seven of them are in Queensland, and all of them are First Australian communities.

“I was appalled to hear the Member for Cook stand up in Parliament and try to deny the wishes of 70 percent of Queenslanders.

“Despite an overwhelming of people in her own seat voting against the Voice referendum, she has been coopted by the Brisbane party machine to speak in support of tipping $300 Million down the drain.

“The KAP listen to North Queenslanders and know what the real needs of the community are – and it ain’t helping those in Brisbane pat themselves on the back” Mr Katter said.