
Sticking up for men’s rights is not misogyny: Katter

May 26, 2024

As usual, anything protecting the rights of men is interpreted by the woke-brigade as being outrageous and inciting hatred of women, the member for Traeger and Katter’s Australian Party Leader, Robbie Katter has said.

In response to numerous constituent concerns, Mr Katter asked a Question on Notice to the Attorney-General Yvette D’ath seeking protection for male victims of vexatious reporting.

In an inflammatory response, the Attorney-General and her Labor colleagues have attempted to insinuate that seeking protection for men is instinctively anti-women.

“The Attorney-General herself said in her response said that five percent of the allegations of sexual assault are found to be false!” Mr Katter said.

“Who’s sticking up for that five percent?” he asked.

“With an unfounded accusation, a victim of vexatious reporting can have their reputation irreparably destroyed, loose their firearms licence, and even lose their livelihood.

“This is in a country that supposedly stands by the rule of ‘innocent until proven guilty’, except that is, if you are maliciously accused.

At the bottom of the long and provocative answer tabled in Parliament by the Attorney General, was a passing reference to existing sections of the Queensland Criminal Code that allegedly protect Queenslanders from vexatious claims.

“I’m no lawyer, but when I have victims coming to me for help, I know that the law isn’t working,” the member for Traeger said.

“I do thank the Attorney General for including the reference to the Criminal code – now will she and the Government back that up with services to enable it’s use?

“I’m not going to let the woke-brigade try to cancel me just because I am sticking up for victims.

“They try to say that I am anti-women – nothing could be further from the truth!

“I am for justice.  If someone has done the wrong thing, throw the book at them!  Domestic violence is totally unacceptable, and a scourge on our society.

“That doesn't mean that someone can make malicious claims, destroy lives, and get away with it.

“I will keep fighting for justice for all Queenslanders,” Mr Katter said.