
Landmark support for Inland Water: Katter 

May 31, 2024

Grassroots and crossbench lobbying has demonstrated that David can indeed defeat Goliath, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader, and member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

In a case of commonsense finally prevailing, Queensland and Australia’s inland water source will be protected from climate change policy gone mad, and greedy multinational corporates who seek to pump industrial waste into the Great Artesian Basin.

“From the moment I heard about Glencore’s proposal to pump their industrial waste into our pristine water – the Great Artesian Basin – I have demanded action,” the member for Traeger said.

“KAP have been proud to stand side by side with the genuine stewards of our land, the agricultural industry, in vehemently opposing this proposal – essentially on our own!

“Common sense and logic have prevailed, and in one of the very rare occasions this parliament, the KAP will be strongly in favour of the Government’s legislation to protect the Great Artesian Basin.

Robbie Katter, National KAP Leader, and Member for Traeger, has delivered multiple speeches in parliament, stood with AgForce at their Federal Court battle against Glencore and the Federal Government, and sponsored Queensland Farmers’ Federation’s petition calling for immediate action.

“Why on earth have we had to fight so hard?” Mr Katter asked.

“This should be a no brainer, but apparently not.

“We still have silence from the leader of the LNP – do they support Glencore on this?

“We’ve only very recently had welcome acknowledgement from the Premier on the importance of our water.

“The KAP will continue to defend what is right for North Queensland and inland Australia – not what the woke brigade in Brisbane and Canberra dream up.

“What a vital win for all those who have fought this fight with us,” Mr Katter said.