
Record high bills spark fury in North Queensland

June 10, 2024

I don’t know what planet or state the leaders of the Brisbane parties are on, but in North Queensland power prices are not coming down, and they are certainly not affordable, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

While the parties based in Brisbane trumpet power bill relief and ‘the cheapest power in the country,’ North Queenslanders continue to see their electricity bills climb higher and higher.

“At the same time as both major parties vote together on emissions targets, our household bills are cracking five figures for the year – that’s right, $10,000 per year, and more, for a single household,” the member for Traeger has said.

“Labor has claimed that Queenslanders ‘won’t pay a power bill for the rest of 2024’ – I’d like to see the evidence of that for any family home in North Queensland.

The KAP voted against the major parties’ crazy race toward emission targets and rejected their ideological pursuit to singlehandedly ‘save’ the world’s climate.

“Day after day I have people come to my office desperately wondering how they will pay their ever-increasing electricity bill – I don’t have anyone demanding we ‘save’ the climate.

“Many in North Queensland have had their power bill double, or worse, in a very short period. Added to the cost-of-living crisis, these unsustainable and fundamentally ludicrous electricity bills are forcing families to choose between food, power, or rent.

During the so-called debate about signing off on spending $2.5 Billion of our own taxpayers’ dollars on a vote grabbing bribe, Brisbane’s ALP and LNP were fixated on state-owned renewable assets.

“Here’s a thought – for years now Queensland has been the envy of the nation, delivering affordable, reliable, state generated electricity, while Victoria and others have endured the curse of privatisation. Now, what sort of electricity was Queensland producing? Coal!

Queensland coal, firing Queensland power plants, producing reliable and affordable electricity for Queenslanders – can you get more Queensland?

The recent vote-buying bribes offered to Queenslanders do not fundamentally reduce the cost of power in Queensland, they simply attempt to lull Queenslanders into believing so. The KAP are fervent in our mission to call this out and speak the truth.

Unlike in the south east, the tokenistic vote buying rebates won’t cover the pain of sky-high bills.

Regional Queenslanders are tired of being the forgotten cousins of the south east - we demand access to affordable electricity for our families and our industry, by whatever means.