
Statement from Katter’s Australian Party Candidate for Mundingburra – Michael Pugh

June 5, 2024

When I first accepted the offer to run for the Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) at the upcoming state election, in the seat of Mundingburra, I knew that my life would become open to public scrutiny and rightly so.
For that reason, I am coming forward to make a statement in acknowledgement of some past mistakes I made in my life over twenty years ago. Voters deserve to have all the information before they make their choice on election day, and I believe that being upfront is essential.

In 2005, I pleaded guilty and was sentenced for an offence of break, enter and steal that occurred at a local business in Townsville. I was 23 years old at the time and had fallen into a bad crowd. I received a fine of $750 and paid $220 restitution for a damaged window.

In 2007, I pleaded guilty to an offence of stealing with violence which was committed in 2002 when I was 21 years old. The judge recognised the substantial changes I had made to my life by this point and handed down a sentence of 18-months imprisonment, wholly suspended, meaning I didn’t spend any time in prison and was given the opportunity to continue on the right path.

Those years were a dark time and the toughest in my life, but it was also my turning point. At the time I took full responsibility for my actions, and I still do today.

While I am not proud of the poor decisions I made many years ago, I am proud of the person, the man, and the father I am today – shaped by that lived experience.

I knew in my heart that I had a debt to pay to my community, which started my journey of volunteering. I then fell in love with helping others – what started as self-imposed retribution, turned into my passion.

I have dedicated my life to giving back, volunteering over 1,000 hours, each year, to multiple organisations and have been honoured to receive numerous awards and recognitions for my contributions.

My lived experiences underpin my belief in KAP’s Relocation Sentencing Policy, which advocates for sending recidivist offenders to the bush to break the cycle of crime. I understand the value of a circuit breaker moment, all too well. Fortunately for me, I had a family and community willing to help me escape the bad influences in my life. Sadly, many others lack this blessing, and that's why the KAP policy is so powerful.

I understand that this announcement is significant and may impact the way I am viewed by the public, and by the constituents of Mundingburra. Although I am not proud of the things I have just disclosed, I believe it is imperative that this information is out there, in the public space, so that I can be as upfront as possible with voters.

I believe a person shouldn’t be entirely judged on their past, but what they have done to make good.