
Coal is King

September 11, 2024

KAP Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter applauded the ALP Minister for Northern Development and Resources, Madeleine King's, response in today's Question Time acknowledging that 'Coal is King'.

"This is an astounding comeback from an ALP Government that has been hell-bent on destroying the coal industry to pander to inner-city voters," said Mr Katter.

"Finally, they appear to be reading the room. Coal provides nearly $100 billion to Australia's economy, generates nearly 50% of Australia's electricity and provides more than 300,000 jobs." (

In response to Bob's question, Minister King confirmed the Australian Government's commitment to Australian coal, "I can assure the member for Kennedy that the coal industry will not be abolished. It absolutely will not be…"

Such a strong statement from a senior Member of the Albanese Government is welcomed by those who work in the industry and the millions of Australians who rely on cheap and reliable electricity.

"However, this is a government that has, time and time again, had a blinkered approach to achieving a net zero economy regardless of the cost and consequences. To them, 'coal' has become a dirty word with logic thrown out the window."

"Maybe the Albanese Government has had an epiphany and recognised the essential benefits of a thriving Australian coal industry," said Mr Katter.

"Hopefully, this is not simply rhetoric to grab some pre-election votes from those feeling the pain of rising electricity costs."

"The Government should not continue down the path of creating bureaucracy after bureaucracy to plan and strategise for a net zero future where the lights go out, heating and cooling become a luxury, and nobody can afford to charge their EVs or mobiles."

"Without 'Coal as King' – our future is bleak."