
Doomagee in everyday essentials crisis: Katter

March 2, 2023

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The closure of Savannah Way due to long-term flooding has left the town of Doomadgee without everyday essentials and skyrocketing prices.

Katter’s Australian Party leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has been approached by Doomadgee Mayor Jason Ned, who has pleaded with Mr Katter to try to secure a lifeline for the town.

“The community has been without road access since the 28th of December and unfortunately, it looks like it will be several weeks more before the roads reopen,” Mr Ned said.

“We have two large rivers, being the Nicholson and Gregory, that heavily impact our town and they’re not even in our jurisdiction.

“Normally, we have large trucks that bring in our supplies, but since the flooding, we have a single plane that comes in once per week.

“The plane gets in on Tuesday and by Thursday, all the essentials are gone, which proves that a plane once per week is not enough.”

Mr Ned advised that on top of these issues, the town was also facing severe fuel shortages.

“We have had no unleaded for about two weeks and we have had to introduce rations of eight litres per day for diesel.

“Most people’s cars are unleaded so they cannot get around town.

“The council is working towards getting a bus service up and running to help alleviate these issues but obviously that is less than ideal.”

Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council was seeking both long-term and short-term assistance from the Queensland Government.

“Short-term, we obviously want to see more good quality everyday essentials available to our community,” Mr Ned said.

“We have a population of 1,800 people, and the Government has a duty to ensure that there are necessities on the shelf.

“Long-term, we want the Government to look into accessibility into Doomadgee at this time of year, whether that be the delivery of alternative roads or the construction of bridges.

“The Nicholson River is one kilometre wide and it still only has a causeway to cross it.”

Robbie Katter said he would be standing beside Mayor Jason Ned and the rest of Doomadgee in calling for both long-term and short-term solutions to the issue.

“Obviously right now, the town needs the everyday essentials and more of them,” he said.

“However, long-term, this is a stark reminder that the access into Doomadgee is poor and easily compromised.

“Doomadgee already has enough health issues and the median income is far less than the average Queenslander so they cannot afford to find themselves in these situations due to lack of regard from the Government.”

Mr Katter said he would be writing to Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Craig Crawford to seek urgent assistance.

“The Government holds responsibility here and they need to take notice,” Mr Katter warned.

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20230302 - RK media release - Doomadgee in every day essential crisis