
KAP hold only real crime solution amid Labor’s lip service & policy barren LNP

July 3, 2024

Between the meaningless words of Labor, and the total absence of the LNP, Queenslanders are crying out for a real solution to the out-of-control crime in Queensland – the crime capital of Australian, the KAP Leader and member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

“As party leader I am asked all the time who we would support, should we gain the balance of power in October, or where we will be putting the major parties for our preferences – the truth is the Government is making it harder and harder to maintain our neutrality,” the KAP Leader said.

“We had the Premier himself come up to North Queensland and almost sign up to the KAP’s ‘Send ‘em Bush’ policy, announcing that Labor would introduce an ‘intensive’ version of the already exiting On Country program. While not perfect, so far this announcement has amounted to nothing but cruel words of hope, followed by no action,” he said.

“The EOIs for the new program closed in March, and there has been no mention of the program since. And if you are hoping to look to the LNP for a policy on crime, you’ll be looking a long time, because they have nothing!

“Aside from three-word slogans and motherhood statements, the LNP are utterly devoid of any details for Queenslanders to understand what they would do should they sweep to power in October,” Mr Katter said.

KAP Deputy Leader and Member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto said Townsville had been under attack in recent weeks from youth criminals and the best thing for them, but especially the community, would be to send em’ bush.

“Earlier this year we were hopeful about the prospect of Labor's Intensive on Country Program, which bared similarities to Katter's Australian Party’s Relocation Sentencing Policy,” Mr Dametto said.

“A significant difference between KAP and the gov policy was we believe the gov should have been taking the lead through the Youth Justice department, not trying to offload the problem to third party organisations.

“However, the EOl process for suitable providers closed back in March, and Labor has been completely silent on the proposal since then. The community deserves to hear an answer about this – is the program proceeding or not, and if it’s not, why?

“There was nothing in this year’s budget to fund the program and in the absence of any announcement of successful applicants or even a simple update on the process, was this youth crime policy announcement just a cheap ploy to fool voters? North Queenslanders should feel insulted.

“The Youth Justice Minister seemed uncomfortable with the Premier’s announcement. From previous statements, one could assume they held very different views on this policy, now we are all asking did the Minister get her way and send this policy straight to the shredder hoping we would all forget about it?

“Either way, this government should not be rewarded for their failures. Voters will punish them at the polls during the October election. KAP has never preference either of the major parties demonstrating neutrality, and for the first time is considering preferencing against the ALP.

The KAP Leader Robbie Katter said that the time has never been more right for Brisbane’s Labor and LNP to fully sign up to and begin implementing the KAP’s ‘Send ‘em Bush Policy and pass KAP’s Castle Law.

“No more talk – mandatory relocation, at a remote facility, for a fixed term, with intensive rehabilitation,” he said.

“The North Queensland designed solutions have been staring the Brisbane parties in the face, and Queenslanders deserve more than meaningless words from Labor and a so-called LNP government in waiting avoiding saying anything.” Mr Katter said.