
Katter asks: is the legal killing of babies, now LNP, ALP policy?

September 22, 2024

It appears the LNP have joined the ALP and abandoned their conservative roots, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader, and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

Labor and the LNP have colluded to deny Queensland babies of fundamental human rights, collectively rejecting Mr Katter’s Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024, and recommending that it not be passed, in a Committee report tabled last week.

“To think that we sat through public hearings where parliamentarians and so-called ‘experts’ actively advocated for the cruel and inhumane treatment of helpless living Queensland babies is simply unfathomable!” the KAP said, reflecting on the public hearing into the Bill in Brisbane.

Members of the Committee from the LNP and Labor interrogated Professor of Law and advocate for the human rights of babies born alive as the result of abortion Joanna Howe and sought to discredit her decades of research and work.

The Committee also sought to suggest that a mother’s choice to kill a baby is more important than the human rights of a Queensland human baby, born alive, breathing the same air as every other Queenslander.

“As members of the KAP, we are bound and driven by the party’s strong traditional Christian values, and we detest the thought that anyone would think it is perfectly ok to end the life of a defenceless and voiceless human, let alone allow a living and breathing human to die on a stainless-steel cold table!” Mr Katter exclaimed.

“I honestly hate that we must bring this to the parliament – we should not have to!  How is it that in 2024 we as a society have slipped into the abys so far that the wanton killing, and disposal, of babies is seen as progressive social policy?

“The only true advocate for the lives of Queensland babies during the Committee hearing was KAP’s Member for Mirani.  It was an all to infrequent breath of fresh air when he reminded the hearing that ‘these are the lives of living babies we are talking about here’.

“I can hear the LNP Members now, when they attend church on Sunday and try to pass off being a conservative, they’ll say ‘oh we have to consider the views of the electorate.  But what ever happened to leadership in this state, or indeed this country?

“I challenge the LNP to own up to the people of Queensland – are they God-fearing defenders of our faith and of the fundamental human rights of babies, or are they as complicit as the Labor party and the Greens in their slide down the woke slope?” Mr Katter said.