
Katter calls on government to tap into resources instead of retirees’ wallets

September 10, 2024

KAP Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has raised concerns about the proposed aged care reforms set to be discussed in Parliament this week.
Mr Katter labelled the reforms “appalling” and reacted with “great anger” that this deal could see wealthier retirees forced to spend more of their savings on their aged care, under a deal to be struck between Labor and the Coalition.

“These people have worked hard and paid taxes all their lives, and still, it doesn’t seem to be enough for the Australian government,” Mr Katter said.

“If you need a few billion dollars, I'll tell you, instead of thieving it out of the pockets of people who are doing it really tough and have worked all their lives to save up money for their old age, how about you stop giving the gas away to the richest nations on earth – for nothing.”

Mr Katter said he was confounded as to why Australia exports its gas at such low prices, only to then buy it back at a premium. He said the same thing happens with Australia’s importation of petrol and diesel which bears significantly higher costs.

“Last time I looked, Australia was getting $600 million a year for its gas exports. For the same amount of gas, Qatar was getting $29 billion. The gas was sold to foreign landlords at 6 cents a unit and now we Australians have to buy our own gas back for $16.60 a unit.”

Mr Katter noted that until 1992, Australia imported virtually no petrol or diesel.

“Let me be specific; we sent $50 billion overseas last year to buy fuel. For context, our entire exports are only $500 billion.

“Politicians over recent years in the ALP/LNP government seem completely devoid of any Christian sense of responsibility to their fellow Australians. Their brain works on one track – ‘How does this better me?’ – whether directly or indirectly.

“We’ve been out meeting the people with state elections coming up. And the word affordability is coming up like a neon light.

“There’s a federal election on earlier next year and I predict there'll be a lot more sitting on the crossbench this time next year.

“So, you may pass it this year, Mr ALP/LNP, but next year, I hope we will be in a position to reverse this decision.

“May the good Lord give people like myself enough time to reverse this dreadful decision.”