
Katter calls time on Dorothy Dixers

April 28, 2024

I’ve had a gutful of the wasted time at Brisbane’s Parliament, Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

“The people of Queensland deserve better than to have their parliament taken up by inane ‘questions’ from government backbenchers to their own ministers.

“I’m sick and tired of having to listen to the drivel of government backbenchers reading pre-scripted ‘questions’ from Brisbane headquarters of their own ministers and then having to sit through more government talking points being trotted out,” Mr Katter said.

The member for Traeger has formally written to the Premier and the leaders of all parties to demand an immediate change to standing orders to allow questions of Opposition Shadow Ministers, crossbench leaders, and independents.

“It just makes sense!” Mr Katter said.

“The LNP are waltzing around Brisbane measuring up the curtains – so surely Queenslanders deserve to know what they really stand for.

“I’m looking forward to answering questions about the KAP’s North Queensland policies too, which are full of real solutions, not just talking points.

KAP Deputy Leader and member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto said if he were the Opposition I would be welcoming this idea with open arms.

“Labor Government Ministers get ample time to spruik their government’s position during Ministerial Statements each sitting day” he said.

Mr Katter said “I expect that both Labor and the LNP will support this, because it offers all Queenslanders the opportunity to understand what each party really stands for and gives all ministers, both current and shadow, the chance to tell Queenslanders how they will implement their vision for Queensland.

“If they don’t support this, we know that they would rather keep Queenslanders guessing”, Mr Katter said.