
Knuth calls on Premier to show Leadership over Unlawful COVID Vaccination Mandate

February 27, 2024

In light of today's landmark ruling by Justice Martin in the Brisbane Supreme Court, declaring the Queensland Police Commissioner's Covid Vaccination Mandate unlawful, State Member for Hill Shane Knuth has called upon the Premier to order all Government Departments to immediately withdraw all COVID vaccination mandates and any current related disciplinary actions being pursued against Government employees across Queensland.

"The court action taken by a group of QPS and QAS workers was 100 pe cent vindicated today. They have fought long and hard against this unlawful mandate and justifiably so,” Mr Knuth said.

“The ruling reaffirms the fundamental rights of individuals to make informed decisions about their own healthcare, without fear of retribution or coercion.

“It is a victory for personal freedoms and a crucial reminder that mandates must be lawful and respect individual rights.

“I have continuously spoken against the mandate since it was first introduced by the Government on the December 17, 2021.

“You cannot take away and trample peoples fundamental right to freedom of choice and expect to get away with it.

“I commend Justice Martin's decision, which serves as a clear precedent for all sectors, including Queensland Police Service (QPS), Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS), Queensland Health, and Queensland Education."

Mr Knuth said it was imperative that any remaining mandates and any current related disciplinary actions be revoked instantly, and valuable staff are returned to work immediately.

"Every Queenslander has suffered because these mandates have contributed to staff shortages in the critical sectors of Policing, Health and Education, placing additional strain on emergency and essential services already stretched thin, particularly in regional Queensland.

“I urge the Premier to demonstrate leadership and respect for the rule of law by aligning government policies with today's court ruling and ensuring that all Queenslanders, including Government workers, are treated with dignity and fairness.”