
Labor continues deceit about cost of ‘transition’ – LNP gone missing: Katter

June 13, 2024

In an extraordinary move late into the afternoon on Wednesday, the LNP evacuated the chamber when the time came to vote on the KAP’s motion, calling for the reversal of costly emissions targets – targets the LNP and ALP voted in favour of only weeks ago.

“The parliament was offered the opportunity to put a line in the sand and back real cost-of-living measures last night – scrapping the emissions targets that are driving up sky-rocketing power bills and killing North Queensland industry”, the KAP leader said.

“Those who want to chase votes and ideological outcomes at the expense of all Queenslanders were able to show their true colours – Labor did, but the LNP took a trip to coward castle to avoid the debate.

“They could not stump up and admit that they are trying to ride two horses – being green at heart, and pretending to support jobs and industry, at the same time.

“Brisbane’s Labor and LNP are on the same page as the Greens when it comes to emissions targets – shut down industry and let everyday hard-working people pay for the unnecessary transition,” Mr Katter said.

Hinchinbrook MP and KAP Deputy Leader Nick Dametto said during his two terms in parliament he had never seen an opposition walkout like what he saw from the LNP this week.

“Last night was an opportunity for both sides of the House to put their vote on the record to allow Queenslanders to understand who backs emission targets here in Queensland and who doesn’t,” Mr Dametto said

“They were proud a few months ago to put their name to the record when they voted for this legislation but now four months out from the election and you couldn’t see them for dust.

“The Labor party doubled down on their position in favour of emissions targets which we know is detrimental to this State. The KAP also stands by their position in opposition to net zero. Voters deserved to see some clarity from the LNP, as the alternative government, about what their position on emissions truly is but instead they vanished,” Mr Dametto said.

KAP leader, Robbie Katter said that Queenslanders deserve better and more respect from the self-appointed heirs apparent.

“The KAP and I are more than happy to be referred to as ‘dinosaurs’, or ‘climate deniers’, if that’s what it’ll take to stick up for Queenslanders,” he said.

“The whole point of a parliament is to know where people stand, and who supports what on the big issues – the KAP are proud to say we stand against costly emissions targets, which are destined to send Queenslanders and the state broke.” Mr Katter said.