
Parental rights to discipline essential to curb youth crime epidemic: Katter

October 8, 2024

It’s no wonder we have kids running lawlessly through our streets, when parents have been stripped of their right to discipline their own children, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader, and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has said.

“Our society expects parents to take responsibility for their children, however when they have been stripped of their right to discipline how they see fit, then it’s no wonder we see the carnage on our streets,” the KAP leader said.

“I hear all the time from parents desperate to control their kids’ poor and destructive behaviour, only for them to be in fear of the law, of child services, or their community.

“It’s all wrong! Appropriate discipline at home is the foundation for children to learn right from wrong, and to understand that wrong doings have consequences,” Mr Katter said.

The KAP’s Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter, said the out-of-control crime on the streets of North Queensland and across the country did not exist when he was growing up.

“We wouldn’t dare play up as kids, and if we did, we knew what was coming! All this terribly sad business of kids – as young a 10 or 12 – stealing motor vehicles and terrorising our streets has only developed after the wokies have infiltrated our households and what is considered ‘good parenting,’” Mr Katter said.

“Well, I tell you what, it doesn’t look like this soft parenting business is working to me!” the KAP Federal member said.

The KAP Candidate for Mulgrave, Steven Lesina said the consequences of a lack of parental discipline extended into the classroom too.

“As a school teacher, I know first-hand that I have to dedicate more and more of my classroom hours to student management and classroom control – and that’s before we begin the real business of teaching and learning,” he said.

“Kids are coming to school more and more entitled and confident that both teachers and their parents are powerless to discipline them, and demonstrate real consequences,” Mr Lesina said.

KAP leader, Robbie Katter, said it was well overdue for the law and its enforcement agencies to recognise the vital role of ensuring parents, and teachers, have the right tools available to them to confidently discipline our children, and to set them up for the best start in life.

“We’re raising a generation of kids who have no fear of authority, no concept of respect or responsibility for their actions, and truth be told, in many cases no hope of becoming productive and valuable members of our society – it’s all got to stop,” the KAP leader said.