
President’s Message

November 2, 2018

Last week I released a statement that made the unfortunate announcement that Katter’s Australian Party would be dis-endorsing Senator Fraser Anning.    This was not an easy decision to make however it is important that as a party we follow and stay true to our Christian Values and Principles. 

Katter’s Australian Party’s immigration policy stance has not changed our policy states that entry requirements should favour people who can assimilate and integrate into our community.

Of the 640,000 people being brought into Australia every year, overwhelmingly they are from countries with:
• no Democracy  and/or
• no Rule law  and/or
• no Industrial Awards (pay and conditions) or proper worker representation and/or
• no Judeo Christian spiritual belief systems (love your neighbour/make the world a better place) and/or
• no Egalitarian traditions (mateship, all people are equal).

Our Party has fought aggressively to, for example, bring Sikh people to Australia and they tick all of these boxes, so do Europeans, but so do Filipinos. Our Party’s policy is that if you are going to bring people in from the Middle East and North Africa then priority must be given to the persecuted minorities – the Christians, Jews and the Sikhs (84,000 murdered in one year).   The Party’s policy also says there should be no restrictions on entry upon our brother cousins – the Pacific Islanders.  But the Party cannot and will not have any representative from our executive, Members of Parliament, Senators or Candidates dividing Australia along racial ‘Europeans’ and ‘non-Europeans’ divides.

Clearly Senator Anning wants the freedom to pursue his crusade. And we think it is best for he and the party to give him this freedom.

You can read my full statement here

KAP believes that it is important now to focus on ending the major party duopoly which is damaging Australia.  Party politics and empty promises are holding Australia back from any real progress. Bob Katter said earlier this year that people are getting seriously fed-up with major parties and “the petty party games which seems to be all that Canberra politics is about”.  Mr Katter voted against the suspension of standing orders, he supported the Government because “once again Parliament was spending it’s time on party games”. Mr Katter said, “I’ve been out there in voterland for the past few weeks at market days and rugby league games, and it’s clear to me that people are becoming increasingly more inflamed with anger at politics. Instead of doing the work of Government, the work of Government is being sacrificed for the work of party politics.”

Mr Katter has spent a significant portion of time and effort fighting to get dams and weirs. He is urging the Government to use North Queensland’s (Nth Qld) vast water resources and not make broken promises.  Mr Katter said, “This is the third election in a row they have announced major water schemes and it is an insult to the intelligence of every North Queenslander if they attempt to tell us again, how they’re going to do these ‘wonderful’ water schemes, they have to actually do it. “Don’t be blinded by the dark reality and not see the shining light of what might be. We are closer than ever now to developing those resources.” Mr Katter has named three schemes that would be ready to go – Hughenden (HIPCO), North Johnstone Transfer and Charters Towers’ (Big Rocks) Weir.

“They are ‘shovel ready’ and can commence tomorrow. They told us they’d build dams; they have not been built.  “The Hughenden scheme has been deeply researched and will be the first, serious weapon which will conquer the drought in the North Western quarter of Australia, it’ll template 12 other schemes on the drawing board.  “If the North Johnstone Transfer doesn’t go ahead then $3000 million per year worth of irrigation produce is seriously at risk. If Nth Qld was a separate country then it would be the wettest country on earth. I doubt whether there are 2000 cattle being fattened in irrigation out of Nth Qld’s 4 ½ million, I doubt whether there is 2000 on irrigated pasture. “The Charters Towers’ (Big Rocks) Weir will immediately put 25 000 head of cattle on irrigation pasture. You must remember Nth Qld has a drought at the end of every year.

These are the important issues that KAP is focusing on now, real infrastructure development for Australia and less party politics.

Shane Paulger
KAP President