
Purpose driven actions – Human rights battle in Brisbane: Katter

June 9, 2024

I am simply compelled to do something about the inconceivable truth that babies who are born alive in Queensland are left to die, Katter’s Australian Party Leader, and member for Traeger, Robbie Katter had told a rally in Brisbane on Saturday.

“Sometimes the reason for doing something is rather simple”, Mr Katter said.

“I’m often asked why I wear a hat, and the answer is simple – it’s to keep the sun off my face!

“Likewise, I am often asked why the KAP have put in this bill to parliament – I often ask myself though, why haven’t we done it sooner?” he said.

The Katter’s Australian Party has a bill in the Parliament to ensure that all babies born alive in Queensland are afforded fundamental human rights.  The bill is at the committee stage with a delayed and rescheduled public hearing set for August.

“As a party driven by values, we simply cannot stand by and watch while babies who are alive, are left to die – all without protection of Queensland legislation,” the KAP leader said.

Talking to a large gathering outside the Queensland Parliament in Brisbane, the KAP Leader asked the crowd what a reasonable person would do if they saw a baby in trouble.

“If you see a baby in a burning building, wouldn’t you risk everything to save that baby?” he asked.

“What about a baby in a swollen river – we wouldn’t think twice before jumping straight in!

“But what about a doctor, a medical system, and a state’s laws that let babies die on a medical tables – why would we not do all we can to help provide fundamental human rights to those babies?” he asked.

Organiser of the March For Life rally, Matthew Cliff EO of Cherish Life, said that it was vital to have values driven politicians in the Queensland Parliament.

“It is the Katter’s Australian Party who have put this bill into parliament, following their values,” he told the crowd to rousing applause.

“We applaud their conviction and dedication to the human rights of helpless babies,” he said.

The member for Traeger reminded the gathered crowd that the movement to save babies will take people from all walks of life.

“I am proud to come from Mount Isa where we talk plainly, and speaking simply, this is an issue for all of us, it’s not just for politicians like me,” Mr Katter said.

“This issue cannot be ignored when we talk at the lunchroom.

“We can’t ignore and be afraid of the issue when meeting our friends at barbeques.

“Fear is all too often what we hide behind, and I am more than guilty of it.

“But through sharing the plight of babies who are born as the result of an abortion, we can show all politicians in the Parliament that the lives of babies must be protected by Queensland Law, and this is a matter that cannot be ignored,” Mr Katter said.