
Queenslanders Denied a Debate on Castle Law Debate as Labor Shelves Bill

September 10, 2024

The Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Castle Law bill, a critical piece of legislation aimed at strengthening homeowners' rights to defend their properties, has been denied debate in the Queensland Parliament, despite the strong support of more than 40,000 Queenslanders who signed a petition calling for its implementation.

KAP Deputy Leader and State Member for Hinchinbrook, Nick Dametto, voiced his deep frustration after the Queensland Labor Government failed to bring the Castle Law bill forward for debate in the final sitting week of parliament

“This bill represented the genuine views of thousands of Queenslanders. They deserved to have this topic debated and they deserved to know where the major parties stood on this crucial legislative change,” Mr Dametto said.

“Despite our every effort, the bill’s progression through the parliamentary committee process was slowed and consequently blocked from being debated before Parliament is set to dissolve at the start of October.

“To see parliamentary mechanisms at play to keep this bill off the agenda is incredibly disappointing. Government bills can be fast-tracked when they want them to be. The fact that this wasn’t given the same urgency demonstrates a disregard for the voices of those 40,000 Queenslanders who expected their concerns to be heard.

“Labor would rather bury this bill than allow Queenslanders to know where they stand. It’s a last-ditch effort to try and protect marginal seats such Thuringowa, Townsville, Mundingburra and Cook.

If passed, Castle Law would have provided greater clarity and legal protection for homeowners defending their loved ones and properties, a topic that has resonated strongly with Queenslanders suffering under uncontrollable crime rates.

Mr. Dametto concluded by committing to reintroduce the Castle Law Bill once parliament resumed after October.

“Regardless of the political hurdles, KAP will continue to fight for good laws that protect good people.”