
The week that was

March 1, 2019

See what our Members of Parliament, KAP Leader and Federal Member for Kennedy - Bob Katter, KAP State Leader and Member for Traeger - Robbie Katter, Member for Hill - Shane Knuth and Member for Hinchinbrook - Nick Dametto did this week. 

Katter's Australian Party 

Facebook: @KattersAusParty
Twitter:  @KAPteam 

Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy 
Facebook: @bobkatterMP
Twitter: @RealBobKatter   

Robbie Katter, State Member for Traeger 

Facebook: @RobkatterMP
Twitter: @RobKatter3

  • Robbie attended the meeting of the Transport and Public Works Committee (on which he is a Member) on Monday
  • Tuesday was his first day back at Parliament for 2019 as he missed the first week due to the flooding disaster in the North West a few weeks ago – on Tuesday he questioned Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dr Anthony Lynham on his Government’s support of the Hughenden Irrigation Project
  • On Tuesday he addressed the Parliament to on the issue of the floods and detailed some of what his electorate had been facing
  • Also on Tuesday he successfully had his Liquor (Rural Hotel Concessions) Amendment Bill 2019 passed unanimously by the Parliament. This was great day for the KAP!
  • On Wednesday and Thursday he was attending Parliament and was in and out of meetings and media commitments, including a late night appearance on Paul Murray Live on Wednesday
  • On Thursday he spoke out against the Fisheries (Sustainable Fisheries) Bill and the impact it would have on industry and the livelihood of the fishing industry in the North
  • He travelled back to Mount Isa on Friday and spent the afternoon catching up on phone calls and paperwork he had missed during the week.

Shane Knuth, State Member for Hill 

Facebook: @ShaneKnuthMP
Twitter: @ShaneKnuthMP  

  • Attended a meeting with Bob Katter MP and the Atherton Lions on their plans for the Tablelands Botanical Gardens along Priors Creek – this is a great initiative and we support their plans as it will have a positive impact on local businesses and tourism.
  • Held a meeting with Tablelands mortgage brokers on the impact to their businesses with the Banking Royal Commission. It is vital we help them out, they play a large role in our communities. 60% of Australians use mortgage brokers, and they offer support the big four banks don’t by being available in the communities and opening the options of smaller banks as well.
  • Dropped in and had a yarn with local business owners at the Barron Valley’s new Thank God It’s Friday night
  • On Saturday I attended the Yungaburra Markets, talked to constituents and even had a go at playing some music with Bob Katter and the local buskers.
  • In Parliament I asked the Minister why kids were stuck in up to 50C heat for up to 1.5 hours, twice a day, on Cassowary Coast school buses. The Minister has responded that it’s not current policy to ensure school buses are fitted with air-conditioning. This is unacceptable and something I have been fighting for since November last year and raised as an issue before the coast was even in my electorate.
  • Spoke to the media about the Safer Waterways Bill set to be debated next month – I will continue the fight to claim back our waterways.
  • I asked the Minister about complaints made by truckies in the Hill Electorate about the lack of safe places to pull off the Highway to stop and rest and signs indicating ‘no overnight stay’. I asked if the issue is being addressed.
  • We are all celebrating! KAP got the Liquor Licensing Bill through – this will lower fees for pubs in very remote Australia zones by as much as 90%. The big news is this opens the door for small pubs in our region (the heart of most towns) to be in with a fighting chance in the future.

Nick Dametto, State Member for Hinchinbrook 

Facebook: @KAPHinchinbrook
Twitter: @DamettoMP 

  • Welcomed the tabling of a petition he sponsored calling for a trial of conservation hunting in Queensland State Forests, which amassed over 13,500 signatures, before joining forces with fellow MPs Shane Knuth and Robbie Katter to pass the KAP’s Liquor (Rural Hotel Concessions) Amendment Bill that afternoon.
  • Gave an adjournment speech in parliament on Wednesday highlighting significant drainage issues Hinchinbrook farmers are experiencing along the banks of the Herbert River and asked a question on notice to Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey requesting an update on the completion of the Brasenose Street level crossing in Cardwell.
  • Spoke out against Labor’s introduction of the Environmental Protection (Great Barrier Reef Protection Measures) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 which will impose even more restrictions on farmers trying to make ends meet.



[caption id="attachment_9146" align="aligncenter" width="1440"] Shane Knuth, Robbie Katter and Nick Dametto celebrating the official passing of the Liquor (Rural Hotel Concessions) Amendment Bill 2018[/caption]