Monday, 23 Jan, 2023
A North Queensland MP desperate to save his cousin and other critically-unwell Australians wants every man, woman and child to be able to receive a free cheek swab kit in the post to see if they can give the gift of life.
Friday, 20 Jan, 2023
Throughout North Queensland, and extending as far south as Stradbroke Island, there have been more than 105 crocodile sightings in the last month, sparking calls by Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs for the Government to stop prioritising crocodiles over human lives and get serious about crocodile management.
Thursday, 19 Jan, 2023
The youth crime crisis has not only once again revealed the Queensland Labor Government’s ineffective way of dealing with a problem but also exposes their disregard to the regions.
Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto visited the Forrest Beach BMX tracks after being invited by a young local to inspect the facilities and discuss funding options for the beachside track.
Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto is eagerly awaiting the resumption of State Parliament when it is anticipated the Palaszczuk Government will introduce new legislation labelled as the “most comprehensive response to youth crime in Queensland”.
Monday, 16 Jan, 2023
NOT a single effort has been made by Australia’s major parties to invest in reliable, low-cost and low-emission power sources while poor government policy has led to gas producers closing their doors to domestic markets.