Saturday, 25 Feb, 2023
SUPERANNUATION should be invested in government-guaranteed endeavours to ensure security of retirement funds for Australians, while also contributing towards nation-building projects, Kennedy MP Bob Katter says.
Read moreFriday, 24 Feb, 2023
The significant amount of money the Olympics is set to cost Queenslanders seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds, but none more so than Katter’s Australian Party leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter.
Read moreThursday, 23 Feb, 2023
Katter’s Australian Party MPs have accused Labor of trying to “whitewash” the community consultation process relating to the Government’s proposed youth justice laws.
Read moreThursday, 23 Feb, 2023
Member for Hill Shane Knuth has today hit out at the State Government for their lack of urgency towards the growing risk of crocodile attacks and sightings in the Far North, likening it to their apathy on youth crime.
Read moreWednesday, 22 Feb, 2023
Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has used Question Time this morning to call on the Queensland Health Minister Yvette D'Ath to take action on the issue of blood cancers and a shortfall in bone marrow transplants.
Read moreWednesday, 22 Feb, 2023
THE Federal Government’s free-trade deals aren’t “worth the paper their written on,” Kennedy MP Bob Katter says as large farming corporations struggle to turn profits and consider selling, amid export bans on their produce.
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