Wednesday, 8 Feb, 2023
THOUSANDS of lives could potentially be saved each year if the Federal Health Minister agrees to allocate revenue already collected by the Commonwealth, to a recruitment campaign encouraging Australians to join the bone marrow donor pool, which could help cure illnesses such as blood cancers.
Read moreWednesday, 8 Feb, 2023
Last month’s announcement by Sugar Terminals Limited (“STL”) that the company will be insourcing its sugar terminal operations has left cane grower groups outraged as they demand more clarity from the corporate sugar giant as to what the future will hold for sugar growers.
Read moreMonday, 6 Feb, 2023
The alarming trend of regional bank closures is making it increasingly difficult for non-metropolitan based businesses and residents to access their banking needs. The latest announcement from Westpac to close its doors in Ingham from the 19th of May this year has left customers and bank employees high and dry.
Read moreSunday, 5 Feb, 2023
Private banks are abandoning rural Australians at an alarming rate and are relying on public-owned infrastructure – namely the Australia Post network – to plug the local service deficits left in their wake, Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said.
Read moreSaturday, 4 Feb, 2023
THE closure of multiple branches of a major Australian bank in North Queensland has been labelled a “dangerous” set back for the region, while prompting calls from Katter’s Australian Party to reinstitute a public “people’s” bank.
Read moreFriday, 3 Feb, 2023
RESIDENTS in populated areas of North Queensland have shared worrying stories of calls to emergency services dropping out due to poor mobile service which Kennedy MP Bob Katter has long pleaded with governments to improve.
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