Friday, 2 Dec, 2022
The Deputy Premier has come good on a previous commitment to support the crucial seawall at the entrance of Enterprise Channel, Lucinda. During Parliament on Friday, the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Deputy Premier, Steven Miles, committed to cover the cost for the final studies required to progress the project through the final approval stages, a cost estimated at almost $400,000.
Thursday, 1 Dec, 2022
Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter says an ANZ service’s decision to cancel phone banking to the Australian shooting sector is born out of ignorance and recklessly virtue-signalling on an issue that contributes nothing to public safety.
The RSPCA would be stripped of its law enforcement and prosecutorial powers under amendments to be pursued today by Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs in the Queensland Parliament.
The State and Federal Labor Governments have confirmed that they will bow down to the United Nations at the cost of Queensland’s agricultural industry following the release of the most recent UNESCO report recommending that the Great Barrier Reef (“GBR”) be added to the ‘in danger’ list.
Wednesday, 30 Nov, 2022
KENNEDY MP Bob Katter has called on the Prime Minister to include an alternative question in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.
Tuesday, 29 Nov, 2022
Mount Isa City and Cloncurry Shire councils could assume responsibility for the North-West local water assets for a small sum and leave struggling residents far better off financially, Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said.