Saturday, 17 Nov, 2018
Last week we proudly announced the KAP candidate for Herbert, Nanette Radeck. Nanette, born and raised in North Queensland, is a high school teacher with decades of experience in education. She is also a mother of three adult boys, and is running because she wants Townsville to have a brighter future for her family and […]
Read moreFriday, 16 Nov, 2018
KAP Leader and Federal member for Kennedy, Bob Katter was joined today in Townsville by Robbie Katter, state member for Traeger, Shane Knuth, state member for Hill and Nick Dametto, state member for Hinchinbrook to officially launch the Katter’s Australian Party candidate for Herbert, Nanette Radeck. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20181116 KAP Launches candidate for Herbert - […]
Read moreFriday, 16 Nov, 2018
Katter’s Australian Party welcomes efforts to end subsidies for Indian sugar growers, but says it’s disappointing it’s taken so long. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20181611 Govt's plan to end Indian sugar subsidies bittersweet KAP"]
Read moreThursday, 15 Nov, 2018
HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has called on the State Government to step up their efforts in finding jobs for Queensland’s veteran community, in a bid to better support those who have served our country. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20181115 State should bolster veteran support - Dametto"]
Read moreThursday, 15 Nov, 2018
LABOR has scuttled efforts by Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs to debate a draconian regulation which will enforce the use of tracking systems on fishing vessels, abandoning commercial boat owners across Queensland. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20181115 Labor abandons commercial boat owners"]
Read moreWednesday, 14 Nov, 2018
The Queensland Labor Government is being urged to be “shovel ready” to ensure the historic $230 million federal funding windfall secured by the KAP proceeds without red tape delays and is not used as a political football in the upcoming Federal Election. [pdf-embedder url="" title="20181114 - RK media release - KAP calls for federal Labor […]
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