Thursday, 31 Aug, 2023
KAP Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter, is calling on the Federal Government to immediately suspend the closures of six huge coal fired power stations over the next six years and make the necessary improvements to ensure that the national electricity grid has adequate and reliable supply. The call comes after the Australian Energy Market […]
Wednesday, 23 Aug, 2023
Queensland is on the precipice of long-overdue youth crime reform with the release of an alternative sentencing model that would send recidivist offenders to the bush to complete intense, long-term rehabilitation programs coinciding with hundreds of angry residents marching on Parliament House today. Earlier this week, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) launched its Relocation Sentencing – […]
Member for Hill Shane Knuth said he was not surprised at the anger directed towards what has been described as a "gutless" action taken by the Queensland Government after the announcement of the latest ban on Gillnet Fishing along Queensland's East Coast. Attending a Seafood Rally at Parliament House yesterday, with fellow KAP MP's Robbie […]
HON Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy, has applauded the announcement by the Queensland Government today that they will step in to rescue the Cardwell medical clinic. The GP clinic had intended to shut its doors permanently on September 1 due to extreme doctor shortages and staff burnout, but the Queensland Government has today announced […]
KAP’s Relocation Sentencing Policy is a ground-up rethink of addressing Queensland’s youth crime problem. We have listened to victims who have called for alternative and harsher sentencing options for recidivist youth offenders. Delivering for victims is at the core of this policy’s development. We want to reduce the high incidence of recidivist offending by introducing […]
Tuesday, 22 Aug, 2023
As part of the 2023/2023 State Budget, Atherton State School was allocated $1.1 million for a new security fence around the school. Member for Hill Shane Knuth said he was pleased to work with the local school, P&C and Atherton Police to lobby the Minister to get a win for safety at the school. Mr […]