Tuesday, 13 Jun, 2023
Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has called for a radical rethink of Queensland’s future budgets and the introduction of a Western Australia-styled “Royalties for Regions” program.
KATTER’S Australian Party MP Bob Katter fears the biggest winner from raising the Burdekin Dam wall will be the solar panel industry in China, and not North Queensland’s agriculture sector as he questions the real motive of the investment.
Monday, 12 Jun, 2023
Not even one month after an uncontrolled fire on Government land triggered Traeger MP Robbie Katter to request an inquiry into the State Government’s aggressive take-up of land without properly resourcing it, several more blazes have broken out.
Katter’s Australian Party Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto is thrilled to welcome the 2023 sugar cane crushing season.
A FAR North national park has been left in ruins, with the once vibrant jungle now portraying scenes of a post-apocalyptic film sparking calls for greater resources to national park management or a return of the land to private grazing hands.
Friday, 9 Jun, 2023
The Topaz community has come together in an effort to get first responders to incidents in their community quicker by working towards establish the Topaz Rural Fire Brigade.