Wednesday, 17 May, 2023
KENNEDY MP Bob Katter has threatened to declare war with the state and federal governments if there is any attempt to raise the Burdekin Dam wall, warning growers are at risk of losing their farms if the project ever sees the light of day.
As Labor’s long overdue cabinet reshuffle unfolds, Katter’s Australian Party Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto holds little faith that the cabinet redesign will have the desired impact on crime, health and housing in the north.
Tuesday, 16 May, 2023
The recent announcement of the Federal Budget included some amendments to the Home Guarantee Scheme, and other policies were announced affecting homebuyers and homeowners, however according to Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter the net still needs to be cast wider.
Monday, 15 May, 2023
OPTIMISTIC North Queenslanders set to welcome a new major supermarket in Townsville should be cautious about real impacts the grocer’s introduction will have on their budgets, Katter’s Australian Party MP Bob Katter warns.
Thursday, 11 May, 2023
AUSTRALIANS will be slugged with a hidden increase to the cost of their fruit, vegetables and most goods with the Federal Government’s plan to raise an additional $1.1bn through the Heavy Vehicle Road User charge.
Tuesday, 9 May, 2023
KENNEDY MP Bob Katter has labelled the 2023-24 Federal Budget as “unimaginative,” one that robs “Peter to pay Paul” and one that creates no money-making projects.