Friday, 2 Jun, 2023
A recent survey conducted by the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) showed that 80 per cent of landlords were considering selling their investment properties due to the threat of further rent reforms by the State Labor Government.
Read moreFriday, 2 Jun, 2023
KATTER’S Australian Party MP Bob Katter is backing a newly-created petition which is calling on Cassowary Coast Regional Council to reverse its decision of going cashless at its facilities.
Read moreThursday, 1 Jun, 2023
A SNEAKY clause included in the Australia-UK Free Trade agreement has regional Australia feeling anxious about its future workforce supply with Kennedy MP Bob Katter calling for either a “handbrake” on the deal or a government-funded campaign to address labour shortage concerns.
Read moreWednesday, 31 May, 2023
Katter's Australian Party MP Bob Katter said the Voice to Parliament, which passed the lower house on Wednesday "made him uncomfortable," as he didn't believe it would address the needs of the "fair dinkum First Australians" in the community areas he represents.
Read moreTuesday, 30 May, 2023
Member for Hill Shane Knuth welcomed recent news of the new Northern Parks regional director Matt Brien giving a commitment to improving cattle management and working with graziers to avoid shooting cattle in National Parks.
Read moreTuesday, 30 May, 2023
A report published today by the Justice Reform Initiative highlights the ineffectiveness of Queensland’s traditional correctional and detention systems and supports principles of alterative detention models with a focus on alcohol and drug treatment.
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