
Message from the President

June 1, 2018

One of the biggest issues facing North Queensland is the ever-increasing problem of youth crime. 

With soft penalties and overflowing detention centres, it doesn’t leave many options when it comes to sentencing these offenders. The cycle of- offending, receiving a slap on the wrist and then being sent out only to re-offend needs to stop.

The Government’s current model doesn’t work however, KAP has a solution to the problem. Our approach is to remove them from the communities in which they are committing these offences and send them out to a remote location where they can learn to work the land as well as learning respect and basic life skills.

KAP’s Relocation Sentencing Policy is a better alternative to the current failing system. Providing magistrates with greater sentencing options will not only benefit the community but will also enable these young offenders to become productive members of our society and break the cycle of crime.

On Thursday June 7th a Relocation Sentencing Forum will be held in Townsville which will include Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter, Palm Island Mayor Alf Lacy, Townsville City Councillor Russ Cook and local community advocate Mike Abraham.  Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto will chair the forum. 

KAP will discuss their Relocation Sentencing Policy and will provide an opportunity for members of the public to give their feedback, followed by a question and answer session.  

See What’s on in the newsletter and on our website for further details on the forum.

Shane Paulger
KAP President