
Message from the President

June 22, 2018

ONE of the biggest threats facing our billion dollar agriculture industry is the increase in feral animals.

Feral pigs in particular destroy crops, damage infrastructure and spread deadly diseases such as Panama TR4.   These feral animals are costing the agricultural industry millions of dollars in damage and lost income.

In order to address the problem correctly, an accurate understanding of the true cost of feral animals are having on the agriculture industry must first be known.  Katter’s Australian Party has moved a motion in the Federal Senate calling on the government to commission a new comprehensive report on the cost of feral animals. Extra funding is required to not only assess the full extent of the issue but look at potential solutions to the problem.

One of the most effective ways of controlling feral pig numbers is with aerial shooting.  Hunting feral pigs on the ground has become difficult due to strict bio-security measures introduced in order to stop the spread of Panama TR4. 

Both the Federal and State governments need to address this ever-increasing problem which is putting the agriculture industry at risk and affecting the livelihoods of so many people.

KAP will continue to work to resolve this issue in an effort to safeguard the future of agriculture and our regional economy.

Shane Paulger
KAP President