
Pay to Slay is not OK

June 27, 2018

Today in the Senate, KAP Senator Fraser Anning condemned the use of foreign aid by the Palestinian Authority to financially incentivise terrorist acts.

Senator Anning sought to have a motion passed to ensure that Australian aid to the Palestinian Authority was not used for this purpose. However although supported by the Government and many in the crossbench it was defeated due to opposition by the Labor party and the Greens.

“Incredibly Senator Di Natalie, stated they would vote for the suspension to allow the vote as a matter of principle. Apparently after being leaned on by the Labor party they changed their position when it came to the vote.” Senator Anning said.
“Shockingly, the Senate wouldn’t condemn the use of Australian taxpayer funds by the Muslim Palestinian Authority to sponsor terrorism.”

“State sponsored terrorism: the murder of innocent men, women and children for no other reason than their faith is anathema to Australians. As a nation we should vehemently oppose this at every opportunity.”

“International condemnation and harsh words do not serve as a deterrent. There needs to be a significant review on the way taxpayer funds are dispersed. ” Senator Anning said.

“Though I welcome the Foreign Ministers letter sent in May to the Palestinian Authority, I am very interested as to what the response has been and whether any action will be taken if our tax dollars are being used to fund terrorism.”

“As Rudy Giuliani recently stated “To give money to people who slaughter innocent human have the blood of the future terrorists' victims on your hands if you're doing this."

“When a government allocates $403m or almost half of its international aid as payments for murdering innocent Israeli civilians or giving pensions to the families of suicide bombers you need to question voracity of the Palestinian Authorities denials.”
”If the Israelis announced today a similar bonus scheme for their soldiers there would international outrage. The hypocrisy is deafening.” Senator Anning said.

“Countries such as the United States, Norway and Germany have already raised concerns about the way aid is being used by the Palestinian Authority.” Senator Anning said.

“If the Muslim Palestinian Authority continues to give incentive payments to terrorists, then any guarantee it may give that other aid money, rather than ours, is used for this purpose is obviously worthless.”
“Accordingly, if the Muslim Palestinian Authority does not cease financially rewarding terrorists, all Australian aid should cease.” Senator Anning concluded.