
Vegan study an opportunity for Australia’s meat industry: Katter

June 8, 2021

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter says a new study by the University College of London that found vegan diets are leading to children growing up shorter and with less bone minerals, should be utilised by Australia’s meat industries to aggressively market its top-quality products around the world.

“The UK has recently left Europe’s common market, and the VIP nations (Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines) are on our doorstep but have been seriously neglected by Australian terms of trade,” Mr Katter said.

“This study backs up what I’ve been curious about for years, and it speak for itself really. Meat is important for good health and people should seriously reflect on what makes a good diet.

“The beef industry and other similar industries must take this information and use it to promote our beef, chicken, lamb, pork, goat etc. to new and emerging markets.

“There’s been a huge amount of beef going into the advanced Asian countries, but we’ve badly let down our VIP neighbours, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines.”

Mr Katter believes opportunities exist to better market meat and a balanced diet within Australia.

“The politically-correct, inner-city, intellectual brigade have done a good job of tarnishing the importance of meat and a balanced diet,” Mr Katter said.

“The cerebral growth in the early years suffers very badly if it doesn’t have the complex cell strands that you can only really get from a balanced diet with meat. Now, this new study shows physical growth suffers too.

“This is not a time for humour or triviality. It is time for us to reflect on what makes a balanced diet. There is no doubt that of the 26 major breakthroughs in science each one came from the West, where the diet in western countries has been heavily weighted towards meat.”