
Dametto demands police vessel for waterways

April 22, 2021

HINCHINBROOK MP Nick Dametto has taken the State Labor Government to task over the lack of a police vessel to respond to incidents in waterways across the Lower Herbert region.  

Mr Dametto said a continual number of incidents in the Lower Herbert and adjoining waterways had clearly demonstrated there was a demand for such a vessel in the area.  

“Discussions with the community have indicated this is an ongoing problem, which is why I asked a Question on Notice in parliament to Police Minister Mark Ryan about this matter,” Mr Dametto said. 

“I want the Minister to acknowledge this need and work with the Lower Herbert community to find a viable solution that fulfills our seaside community’s needs. I look forward to his written response.” 

Mr Dametto said the nearest police vessel could be up to two hours away at any given time, which was “simply not good enough”. 

“A person who reports an incident of a criminal nature to police on our waterways can’t afford to wait that long for a police vessel to show up, especially if there’s threats involved and lives at stake,” he said. 

“We need to give our local police the resources they need to respond to such incidents in a timely manner. This will give piece of mind to the local boating community who are trying to do the right thing.” 

Mr Dametto said he had previously met with local and regional QPS officers to discuss the issue and would continue to lobby the government for funding for a vessel. 

“Community safety is one of my top priorities as the local Member and we need to make sure we have the right equipment at the fingertips of our emergency services personnel for when they need it the most,” he said.