
Feds throw money at the reef without fixing obvious problems

January 28, 2022

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter, said the Federal Government needed to address immediate and real problems facing the Great Barrier Reef such as feral pigs causing erosion in river systems or raw sewage seeping out at Cardwell (a town south of Cairns), rather than simply making billion-dollar announcements to win votes months out from a federal election.

Mr Katter said he had been pleading the town of Cardwell’s case to the Federal Minister for the last two years.

“There is no sewage system for the town and nearly the entire population lives 150 metres from the ocean,” he said.

“I can’t imagine a worse situation. What we need is a further $23m to the money that’s already been allocated to properly fix it up.

“They’ve already spent $1b on the reef without addressing the sewage at Cardwell.

“Ayr has a magnificent answer to suburban runoff going onto the reef with their Macro-Algal Bioremediation facility and they need serious funding too.[1]”

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP, Nick Dametto, said Morrison’s $1 billion funding to save the Great Barrier Reef is once again attempting to put the blame on farmers.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has promised an extra $1 billion to save the Great Barrier Reef from climate change and growing environmental threats.

Mr Dametto said this is another example of the Government blaming Queensland’s farmers for destroying the Great Barrier Reef.

“The Great Barrier Reef is thriving, while our growers bear the brunt of over-the-top regulations,” he said.

“The KAP is trying to restore a balanced and common-sense approach to the management of on-farm water runoff while the Liberals and Labor parties on a state level are continuing to work together to vilify farmers and knockback KAP’s Reef Regulations Reversal Bill.

“Both Liberal and Labor are continuing to use the narrative that farmers are killing the reef as a political ploy to look strong for climate change and the environment in an election year.

“We still have no idea what the last $440 million contribution did to help improve the health of the reef.

“If the Government really wants to invest in saving the reef and the environment, why don’t they look at seriously managing feral pigs that are causing erosion to National Parks and damaging agricultural practices. There is also algae group Pacific Bio’s solution to help nutrient
run-off from the sewerage treatment plants along the east coast”.

Mr Katter agreed with Mr Dametto saying, “Any cost impositions on farmers will close another couple of sugar mills and wipe out a few thousand jobs and incomes in North Queensland.”

Independent scientist, Dr Peter Ridd, said that the pesticides are not getting out to the reef and the reef is in excellent condition.

“The public needs to know that the reef has at least ‘near historic high’ coral cover. It is an opportunity that is being missed. The alarmists never miss an opportunity to tell the world when some coral has died,” he said.[2]

Mr Katter said he would be ensuring this new round of reef funding was properly spent.

“How much of a scam and a con on the public purse were the previous crown of thorns starfish eradication programs?” he said.

“$120m was allocated and it would appear from the information sent to me that it went into the hands of three people. There was never any information published on just how many crown of thorns starfish were removed.”
