
$124m the annual cost of Govt’s lack of integrity

February 8, 2022

An incredible $124 million, facilitating the full-time employment of more than 800 staff, is the annual cost of the Queensland Government’s lack of integrity and accountability, Katter’s Australian Party Leader and Traeger MP Robbie Katter has said.
Mr Katter said based on 2020-21 Annual Reports, 801 FTE staff and $124.6 million was being allocated to or spent annually by taxpayers on state-funded integrity institutions.
A breakdown of the spending is below:
 Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) – 335 FTE staff, $63.5 million
 Queensland Audit Office (QAO) – 182 FTE, $6.5 million
 Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC)- 155 FTE, $28.8 million
 Queensland Ombudsman – 54 FTE, $8.3 million
 Office of the Independent Assessor (QAO) -11 FTE, $3.9 million
 Queensland Integrity Commissioner (QIC) – 5 FTE, $1 million
 Queensland Public Service Commission (PSC) – 59 FTE, $12.6 million.

Mr Katter said, despite the spending and resources, the integrity of the Queensland Government was in shambles.

He said the continued refusal of Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and her Ministers to acknowledge there was problem – with Deputy Premier Steven Miles going so far as to dismissing suggestions of misconduct as nothing more than a bad “vibe” – was the height of arrogance and did nothing to allay the public’s well-founded concerns.

“It might be a ‘vibe’, but on the vibe Richter scale this situation would easily be an 8,” he said.

“Every single decision made by the Queensland Government, including its departments and staff who should technically be apolitical, is increasingly being steeped in politics.

“A culture of fear and compliance has permeated every aspect of governance in our State and despite the very healthy funding and staffing allocations given to the various integrity institutions, the situation is becoming untenable.

“In the seven years that the Palaszczuk Labor Government has been in power, and despite the many integrity crises that have engulfed the Premier and a number of her Ministers – no one has ever been held accountable.

“This is in stark contrast to the situation at the Local Government level where mayors and councillors are being routinely raked over the coals for even the most minor examples of alleged “misconduct”.”

Allegations relating to the integrity of Palaszczuk Labor Government’s Ministers are wide-ranging, and include:

 The Premier being found guilty of contempt of Parliament; [1]
 The resignation from Cabinet by former Deputy Premier Jackie Trad over various integrity allegations; [2]
 Allegations relating to Minister for Transport and Main Roads use of a private email account for official business; [3]
 Various allegations of misconduct relating to Minister Mick de Brenni, who has held numerous portfolios, relating to the QBCC[4] and more recently relating to interactions with the former State Archivist.[5]

Mr Katter reiterated the KAP’s support for a wide-ranging Commission of Inquiry to be held into what influence the Queensland Government exerts on the public service, including department staff and those employed in the 801 integrity-specific roles.
