
Coalminer Ciaron Paterson digs in for the KAP in Dawson

April 21, 2022

Mackay-based Coalminer Ciaron Paterson is Katter’s Australian Party’s (KAP) candidate for the seat of Dawson at the May 21 federal election, running alongside truckdriver Clynton Hawks in Herbert, ex-NRL player Rod Jensen in Leichhardt, and party founder Bob Katter in Kennedy.  

Mr Paterson says he’s proud of his working-class roots, and has worked hard to get where he is. 

“I started working when I was 14, three days a week in a bakery. Since then I've worked in manufacturing sheds, been a concreter, landscaper, and I’ve worked on fishing boats and cattle stations up in the gulf.  I was a boilermaker apprentice and then got into mining.”  

Mr Paterson says his story is familiar to a lot of Australians, but it’s a story he’s worried future Australians won’t be able to tell.     

“If you want to know what KAP is about, it’s about that story of getting ahead, and our commitment to Australians that jobs in manufacturing, mining, fishing, farming, heavy industry are the backbone of our region. We want these jobs to be there for future generations.   

“I also share the passion and views of the KAP.  The KAP believes hard work should be rewarded.   

“That’s why I chose to join the party to try and make a difference. I want the same pathways open to my kids and future generations that were open to me.  

“We need to build Australian manufacturing following decades of job losses in that sector.    

“I want Australia, the land, the culture, the nation, to remain Australian.  I don’t want us to become a nation of renters.  I don’t want us to be a nation where the fruits of our hard work gets shipped off-shore to be enjoyed by someone else.    

“That’s why I chose to run for the KAP in the last state election and put my hand up again for Dawson.” 

Mr Paterson says he has particular interest in promoting First Australians’ participation in the labour force.   

“While working in the mining sector I also helped build a small indigenous training and job provider business within the mining sector,” he said. 

KAP Leader Robbie Katter has high hopes for Ciaron as a candidate, who he says possesses the right spark to lead a region with untapped potential. 

 “Ciaron’s a working man with experience across a range of primary industries, similar to our very-successful, existing state MPs, Shane Knuth (railways) and Nick Dametto (farming and mining),” Mr Katter said.  

“He’ll also bring authenticity back into politics, something that’s been lacking for a while.” 

Kennedy MP, Bob Katter, said the people of Dawson had been betrayed by the major parties who plan to close the coal mining industry with their net zero policy, and are destroying the viability of cane farming with their extreme reef regulations. 

“Ciaron and the KAP are unashamedly pro coal, pro cane farming, and against the erosion of workers’ pay and conditions by foreign labour,” he said. 

“If we get the balance of power at a state and federal level we will be pushing for a taxpayer owned, multi user rail line into the Galilee Basin to open up this great resource.”