
KAP candidate calls for military base in Bowen

May 17, 2022

Growing concerns over China’s increasing presence in the Pacific Ocean has sparked a call from Katter’s Australian Party candidate for Dawson, Ciaron Paterson, for additional military resources, including a potential navy base, to be located in Bowen. 

Mr Paterson says the project, which has been previously put forward by the Whitsunday Regional Council, would keep our northern waters safe from the possibility of an invasion by China. 

“The State Labor leader last year welcomed a discussion around locating submarines in Brisbane, but I would like nothing more than for the submarines to be based in Bowen. 

“If there was ever any chance of a Chinese incursion into Australia, they are not going to come through the back door of the Southeast.  They will be coming from the top end, which is where we need to locate our military strength.” 

Mr Paterson said the project would have added economic and social benefits to the region, bringing considerable infrastructure spending and a range of new employment opportunities. 

“I believe this project would accelerate the sleepy little hollow of Bowen, with much needed visitors and families moving to our region now. 


“This growing population would also attract health practitioners and see services upgraded to the point where Bowen would transform into a regional centre. 

“Hospitality and tourism would blossom, and our transport infrastructure would get long-needed attention.   

“The Port of Bowen is constantly under repair, and a growing military presence would also mean the port would receive its share of funding and provide greater opportunities for producers in the region to get their products to tide water.” 

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KAP Candidate calls for military base to be located at Bowen