
Qld Parliament devoid of democracy: Katter

August 19, 2022

Question Time in the Queensland Parliament has descended into an undemocratic opportunity for the Premier, and her Ministers, to duck and weave and display a gross lack of accountability and transparency, Katter’s Australia Party (KAP) Leader Robbie Katter has said.

Upon conclusion of another sitting week of Queensland’s unicameral chamber, Mr Katter said the halls of the State Parliament was becoming devoid of democracy and enough was enough.

On Tuesday, Mr Katter put a Question Without Notice to the Premier seeking advice as to whether she had followed up on a 2019 commitment to make public the legal costs taxpayers accrued on her behalf when she defended against allegations of corruption and bribery over the sacking of KAP parliamentary staff.

Instead of answering the question, or committing to provide a fuller response at a later time, the Premier provided two sentences and sat down.

“These matters were in the last Parliament. I can advise that legal indemnity guidelines were followed,” the Premier told the House.

Mr Katter said the third-term Palaszczuk Labor Government were becoming increasingly unaccountable to the Queensland people.

“Given we have a unicameral Parliament in Queensland and four-year fixed terms, the current situation is becoming increasingly unbearable and, I would argue, undemocratic,” he said.

“Parliament’s legislative agenda, business program, committee process and now even what can be expected around Question Time is being totally dictated by the Premier and her Cabinet.

“This is to the point where if Labor decides something or someone is undeserving of a response, then they can be denied one – this is wrong.

“Where does this end? If there is no accountability or expectation of transparency, we might as well all just hand in our keys and leave the Parliament and let the Premier run her own show until the next election.”

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20220819 - RK media release - Qld Parliament devoid of democracy Katter