
QLD must lead the way on seafood labelling laws

September 9, 2022

The Albanese Commonwealth Government has this week signalled its support for seafood Country-of-Origin Labelling (CoOL) reform.

Given the move, Queensland has a golden opportunity to join with the Northern Territory in leading the nation’s way on the issue, Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader Robbie Katter has said.

Speaking as his Food (Labelling of Seafood) Amendment Bill 2021 approaches a vote in the Queensland Parliament next Tuesday, Mr Katter said he could not fathom the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s lack of support for his “no-brainer” Bill.

“Federal Labor’s position on this issue cannot be reconciled with Queensland Labor’s,” he said.

“This can only be a case of the right hand not talking to the left, which is unacceptable.

“We have seen petty politicking on this issue for far too long; we saw the NT Labor Government support seafood CoOL for dining venues and push it through back in 2008, then we saw NSW Labor supporting it a couple of years ago and trying to progress their own bill, which was knocked back by the LNP.

“Now in Queensland, I have put this Bill in to help out our seafood sector and Labor doesn’t support it, but the LNP does – so go figure!”

Key commercial fishing bodies across Queensland, and Australia, have for years been lobbying governments of all levels to introduce the mandatory CoOL in the hospitality industry in an effort to bring it in line with the retail sector and boost demand for Australian seafood.

This week, WA Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC) chief executive Darryl Hockey told the ABC he had received a letter from Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt indicating the Commonwealth Government’s support for the move.[1] 

"He is going to be working with us to explore various options to introduce this country of origin (labelling) this term of government," Mr Hockey said.  

"He also said that he wants to work closely with the hospitality sector as well in a bid to make sure that it is harmonised."

Mr Katter said he, and the KAP, welcome the Federal Government’s support but said he could not reconcile it with State Labor’s criticism of his draft legislation. 

“Last week Queensland Labor MPs stood in the Parliament and picked apart my Bill, claiming it would ‘cost too much’ and ‘would be hard to enforce’ – in truth, they could not offer up any decent justification for their position,” he said.

“The also declared they would not refer the Bill to the Federal Government for consideration, even though it appears Federal Labor has already taken on the issue. 

“This situation is farcical, and I am calling on the Premier to immediately ring up Canberra to figure out whether they support the Aussie seafood industry or not.

“Next Tuesday, they have a chance to prove this one way or another.”

[1] Mandatory country of origin seafood labelling for hospitality sector on menu for government - ABC News

[1] Mandatory country of origin seafood labelling for hospitality sector on menu for government - ABC News

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20220909 - RK media release - QLD must lead the way on seafood labelling laws