

February 14, 2023

Katter’s Australian Party leader Robbie Katter is astonished at the bold and highly misguided decision of Westpac Bank to close their branch in Cloncurry.


The announcement comes as Westpac “responds” to their customer service preference, saying that their customers are using branches less and less.


“The closure of these three branches is a real kick in the guts for rural Queenslanders”, said Mr Katter.


“They’re taking away the ability for their customers to sit down face-to-face with someone to ask questions, make decisions and address problems.


“The closure of the Cloncurry branch is leaving residents who bank with Westpac facing a three hour round trip to Mount Isa if they want or need direct assistance.


Mr Katter advised that the Cloncurry district is home to many booming industries and the need for a store front bank in the region remains.


“Cloncurry has growing population and very large, flourishing cattle and mining industries.


“This is a strong growth area, and they are pulling out, therefore we must assume that Westpac is indiscriminately and progressively pulling away from agribusiness and regional Queensland in general.


“There are some large private family businesses in Cloncurry that all together have asset values of around $5 billion, who all bank with Westpac.


“This is a big deal for Westpac, even before you start adding in local mining contractors and other businesses.


“I would say that Westpac is very bold taking these types of customers on”, said Mr Katter.


“I’d also say they’ve not done their research properly, putting Cloncurry in the small regional town basket, not the booming economical basket it belongs in.


“Closures of banks in our regional communities is something we have been trying to combat.


Mr Katter met with Cloncurry locals on Friday who expressed their concerns regarding the closure.


“They’re not about to let the doors of that branch close without a fight”, he said.


“They’ve got something to lose with the impending closure, but it appears so does Westpac.


“Myself and those banking with Westpac in the Cloncurry region are calling on Westpac to listen.


“Leave the doors open.


The Cloncurry Shire Council has developed a petition requesting that Westpac Bank reconsider the closure of the Cloncurry branch. If you are interested in signing the petition the link can be found on Robbie Katter MP’s Facebook page.

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20230213 - RK media release - Westpac caves on regional Queenslanders