
Brisbane parties sign off annihilation of North Queensland jobs, economy: Katter

April 19, 2024

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has berated the Queensland government and the so-called opposition for blindly drinking the climate change cool-aid.

North Queensland jobs, North Queensland communities, and the state of Queensland’s economy have been handed their last rites today Mr Katter said.

The Government and LNP joined the Greens on Thursday to sign away Queensland’s future.

“Today cements what we already knew – that Labor and the LNP in Queensland are only interested in appeasing Brisbane voters, with not an ounce of regard for the industry, jobs, and state wealth creation from North Queensland,” Mr Katter said.

KAP member for Hill, Shane Knuth MP told the Parliament the Government and opposition were driving the Queensland economy into oblivion.

“Don’t be fooled by the bells and whistles and the marketing hype, this legislation will destroy our manufacturing industry, our coal industry, our agriculture industry, and regional towns,” he said.

“Not once have I heard an explanation on exactly how this policy can possibly replace the billions these industries generate towards the state’s economy and the thousands of jobs that will be lost.”

KAP Deputy Leader and Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto said that like most Queenslanders he was struggling to see a fundamental difference between the two major parties.

“As we near the October election the lines between what is Liberal and Labor continue to blur”, Mr Dametto said.

“People across North Queensland will be shocked to learn that the LNP have thrown them to the dogs and are happy to tag along with Labor’s treacherous plan to net zero at the cost of regional industries and jobs.”

KAP Leader Robbie Katter said “it is utterly demoralising to come down to Brisbane and witness such wanton and barbaric destruction of our industry and community – all for the sake of pandering to ideological driven feel-good seeking greenies.

“To see it was only the KAP and the Member for Mirani who had the backbone and courage to stand up for anyone outside of Brisbane is an utter disgrace.

“Shame! Shame on each and every member of the Queensland Parliament who followed their masters and condemned North Queensland to a future devoid of jobs, communities, and prosperity.

“The most galling thing I witnessed was the union rent-a-crowd that were herded into the speaker’s lawn to attend a ‘celebration’ of the closure of their workmate’s industry!

“Like lambs led to the slaughter, just like the whole of North Queensland,” Mr. Katter said.