
Katter statement relating to double dissolution

September 17, 2024

The following quotes can be attributed to KAP Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter.

“Last week, I thought a double dissolution was laughable! No one is going to give up a year of his term in office on a high venture.

“Today, an astute politician - whether one uses the word devious or cunning, or whether one chooses the word clever - a person like Anthony Albanese has clearly seen the opportunity created by a double dissolution.

“Going to an election saying the Coalition and Greens have obstructed and blocked the dreams of many for affordable home ownership, would seem far more preferable than going to an election with failed positions on key splinter policies such as “the Voice” and significant issues within the union movement.

“Calling an election under a double dissolution would be akin to allowing the Australian people to consider the Albanese’s government commitment to affordable home ownership instead of pockets of entitled people having their say.

“The nation as a whole would have its’ say. They may overwhelmingly object the Greens policies which include mass migration from the troubled countries of the middle east and closure of the coal industry which generates nearly $100 Billion every year and is a quarter of Australia’s exports.

“So I see a double dissolution as a very real possibility and the possible annihilation of the Greens and the demise of the opposition vote for colluding with them.”