
KAP calls for unmanned speed cameras to be scrapped

October 10, 2024

Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) Leader and Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter has called on the Brisbane-based Labor and LNP to commit to scrapping the revenue raising unmanned speed cameras, and instead divert the millions spent on true road safety initiatives and youth crime, should they win government in less than 17 days' time.
“The Labor government has been fixated on using unmanned speed cameras under the guise of making people feel safe, exploiting public concerns about road safety while wilfully turning a blind eye to the rampant youth crime plaguing our communities,” the KAP Leader stated.
“The KAP is committed to eradicating these cameras and in this election wants to see a commitment from all parties to do the same while shifting the focus back to real law enforcement and prioritising public safety over profit.
“While the Government wheels out these yellow revenue wagons, they fail to utilise visible and effective deterrents such as road police and marked police vehicles,” Mr Katter said.
KAP Candidate for Cook and decorated police officer, Duane Amos, said allowing these speed cameras to continue to operate is eroding effective law enforcement.
“The greatest asset and personal tool a police officer has at his or her disposal is their discretion,” he said.
“The interpersonal contact between an officer and their community validates and supports the ethos of protecting and serving your local community.
“The physical presence and personal connection with coppers talking and engaging with community members cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence such as these static revenue raisers that take police jobs and cause a sentiment that undermines the culture of community confidence with policing,” Mr Amos said.
KAP leader, Robbie Katter said the rampant lawlessness on the streets is spiralling out of control.
“Burnt-out cars litter our roads and daily car thefts are becoming the norm across North Queensland, yet this Government is choosing road safety theatre over real, impactful solutions to youth crime,” he said.
“The Government has made its priorities clear, determined to chase remote dwellers on bush roads for a quick dollar wasting valuable resources on these sneaky speed traps and ignoring the real criminals terrorising our communities.
“Queenslanders deserve real crime solutions, not revenue-raising tactics. The KAP will continue to fight against these cash cows and push for effective law enforcement that protects our communities rather than milking them dry,” Mr Katter said.